Tag: YAFiction

Wayward Son: The Heartbreak We Didn’t Know We Needed


Wayward Son, the long-awaited sequel to Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, was released on September 24 of this year. Readers waited a long four years for this novel and it

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Rebel Girls | Elizabeth Keenan


Rebel Girls by Elizabeth Keenan Inkyard Press, 2019, 413 pages Trigger Warnings: abortion, somewhat graphic imagery of abortion, bullying, implied racism About the Author: Elizabeth Keenan is a cat and

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The Looking Glass by Janet McNally

The Looking Glass | Janet McNally


The Looking Glass by Janet McNally Harper Teen, 2018, 325 pages Trigger Warnings: addiction, substance abuse About the Author: Janet McNally is a writer and poet who earned her MFA

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Interview with Carnegiea Literary Magazine


Carnegiea is a student-run magazine that focuses on the creativity of young adults and how it is that they are able to produce material for both the media and community.The

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The Infinite Noise | Laura Shippen


The Infinite Noise by Laura Shippen Tom Doherty Associates, 2019, 333 pages Trigger Warnings: bullying, self-harm, homophobia, intense portrayal of depression, profanity About the Author: Lauren Shippen created the world

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Maddi’s Fridge | Lois Brandt


Maddi’s Fridge by Lois BrandtIllustrated by Vin VogelFlashlight Press, 2014, 32 pages Trigger Warning: child hunger, poverty About the Author: Lois Brandt didn’t like reading when she first started it,

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