Not Sheep! | Molly McNamara Carter & Oksana Mychka


Coming September 17th, 2024 from Lawley Enterprises LLC; 32 pages

About the Author: “Molly has been writing stories since she learned to read them. For her and her sisters growing up, she created magical lands full of adventures that were never far off. Molly continues to delight her own children with her stories and passion for books. She has lived in big cities, little towns, on islands, in mountains and in deserts. She loves adventures like jumping out of airplanes, riding camels, and even swimming with sharks. When she’s not reading, writing or working on an art project, she loves to explore with her favorite people. One of her greatest joys is bringing the magic of stories to her readers” (Bio from author’s website).

Find Molly McNamara Carter on the following platforms:

About the Illustrator: “A Ukrainian artist born and bred in beautiful Lviv, Oksana has always been captivated by the allure of books and the intricacies of their creation. She has dedicated her life to studying this magical process. After earning a degree in imprint graphics and crafts, she delved into traditional and digital illustration, drawing inspiration from nature and the magic of native fairy tales. Oksana believes that an artist who creates drawings for kids should not be afraid to look at the world through the eyes of a child” (Bio from Not Sheep!). 

Find Oksana Mychka on the following platforms:

“Deep in a cave, ONE bear cub twists and turns in her den. ‘I can’t sleep!’”

All throughout the forest, woodland creatures are preparing for bedtime. However, the youngest animals seem to have too much energy to slow down and rest. Their mothers suggest counting sheep to lull them off to sleep, but the baby animals plead to count anything else. Their resistance to sleep fuels their creativity, allowing them to dream up a variety of different fantastical objects to count, from rockets to dragons. High up in the trees, owlets envision unicorns, while the mice underground picture fantastical fireworks. How are these little critters supposed to go to sleep when there is so much to imagine while wide awake?

Though Not Sheep! does not reinvent the concept of a children’s book, it does offer young kids a way to demonstrate basic math skills during story time. The descriptions and the corresponding illustrations also provide a great way for young kids to practice colors and numbers. The items being counted do feel a little random, as it is unclear why the forest animals are curious about things like fireworks. However, I understand that young readers may also be interested in the mythical creatures and technological wonders that the animals want to count. My main issue with this book was resolution, which is unsatisfying for readers (and guardians) hoping for a conclusion that actually involves getting the little ones to sleep. The story is situationally confusing, as it initially seems like it would be a great bedtime story to lull kids off to sleep alongside the animals on the page, but the ending encourages them to stay wide awake. Conversely, I don’t know if kids would engage with this book during the daytime, since it specifically revolves around going to bed. Though the storyline wasn’t a homerun for me, I must admit that I was completely captivated by the illustrations. Oksana Mychka breathes life to the words on the page through her artwork, depicting the curiosity and constant movement of the little critters. While this book may not change a child’s life, it is certain to keep them entranced with stunning illustrations and fun, alliterative text!

Not Sheep! releases on September 17th, 2024.

Pine Reads Review would like to thank Molly McNamara Carter and Lawley Enterprises LLC for sending us an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Any quotes are taken from an advanced copy and may be subject to change before final publication.

Ashley Amacher, Pine Reads Review Assistant Director & Lead Editor
