Five of My Favorite Book Dedications 


Often, the most overlooked areas of a book are the acknowledgements and dedication. Despite authors spending so much of their time writing wonderful books for readers, the dedication, in particular, is missed by many. Dedications can provide wonderful insight into the author’s mind, as some authors choose to dedicate their work to their friends and family while others go a different, more unique route. Since dedications are often so personal to the author, they really help set the tone for the book and help me get to know the author and their personality which makes my overall reading experience more enjoyable! 

1. “For Beatrice- 
My love for you shall live forever. 
You, however, did not.”  

Starting off, though all of Lemony Snicket’s book dedications are an interesting combination of melancholy and comical, the dedication for The Reptile Room stands out in particular. While some of his other dedications seem like beautiful odes to the love he could have had, this one just seems a bit too on the nose to be taken seriously. Despite that, the sentiment still stands and is well placed in the setting of A Series of Unfortunate Events franchise. 

2. “For Ashely, Our friendship is my favorite rom-com.” 

Julie Murphy’s books have always stood out to me as some of the first books I read where the main characters are plus-size and not on an active journey to change their bodies. Her stories are filled with authentic, unexpected, and beautiful friendships which is why I love the dedication for Puddin’. YA books that demonstrate the importance of friendship, specifically female friendship, are so important for young readers to learn about! 

3. “To the boys who get called girls, 
The girls who get called boys,
And those who live outside these words.”

The dedication from When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore is what originally caught my eye. Though I have yet to read the book itself, I have no doubt that the story being told is both incredibly important and indescribably gut-wrenching. Since the dedication is a lengthy one, I will only include the part that stood out to me the most and encourage readers who pick up this book to read the entire dedication!

4. “For girls around the world: 
You inspire me everyday.” 

As an unashamed feminist, there is no way I could make a list of my favorite book dedications without including at least one about empowering women like the dedication from Renée Ahdieh’s Smoke in the Sun! What I absolutely love about this dedication is that it gives young female readers a confidence boost. 

5. “For my mother, my father, Mer, and Boon
All that I am, I owe to you.” 

Finally, I want to include one of my favorite dedications made to the author’s family. Found in A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir is one of the most simple yet beautifully written dedications that tugs at my heart. There is just something so special about indicating that every part of you is a mosaic of other people in your life—that their influence and ideas are reflected in your work. 

Vanshikha Vij, Pine Reads Review Writer 
