Sunshine Boy, written and illustrated by Lee “Moosopp,” was picked up by Sparkler Monthly shortly after making it into the finals with Hiveworks Comics. It’s safe to say that Sparkler
Read FullWhat exactly is, A Wrinkle in Time…this question can only be answered by Madeleine L’Engle’s cosmic yet mystical novel that turns the reader’s world upside down and invites us into
Read FullMusicals are my weak spot. What’s not to like? They’re narratives told in tunes that I can memorize and analyze every single time I play them on my car’s radio.
Read FullMeghan Reinholz is an avid reader, writer, and all-around nerd. She wouldn’t mind spending all her time surrounded by books, and hopes one day to own a bookstore that doubles
Read FullA. LaFaye loves a good ghost story, especially one with a twist. That was her approach in this short story for readers 9-12 and The Keening (2011). She’s published a
Read FullI am not broken. For so long I thought I was, thought that all the things that separated Me from my peers were cause to slice along my seams Just
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